Creator Strategy for Alejandra Leon

The Challenge

Accelerate Lead Generation

As a creator with a worldwide audience Alejandra needed to migrate from an outdated Wordpress website to a modern, full-featured online presence that would do a better job of attracting new clients

Organic + Paid Media = Leads

Alejandra's website had strong blog content that wasn't optimized to drive traffic and highlight her services.

English and Spanish Content

With a growing international audience Alejandra wanted to invest in a multi-lingual website.

The Solution

Launch a new online presence for a global audience

I worked with Alejandra to progressively enhance her online presence, migrating from WordPress to a state-of-the-art Eleventy website where she could still publish her own blog content. Blog pages now include highly visible links to initiate contact which drives higher lead volume.

  • Fractional CMO / digital strategy
  • Updated SEO / organic content plan
  • Optimized advertising budget
  • Multilingual website design
  • High-performance Eleventy SSG website (static site generator)
  • Graphic design and photography


Next: El Mundo Website / Mobile App